Summary: This is the main interface of GnucDNA, and where handles to all other interfaces are retrieved from. There are also options here to customize how your client is represented over the network and methods to start the connection process. Get Interface Methods: GetINetwork GetICache GetIPrefs GetIShare GetISearch GetIMeta GetIDownload GetIUpload GetIUpdate Core Info Methods: GetCoreVersion GetCoreCredits GetCoreLicense Client Properties: ClientName ClientVersion ClientCode RunPath Simple Network Methods: Connect2 Disconnect2 IsConnecting2 GetUptime2 GetBytesPerSecDown GetBytesPerSecUp GetINetwork Params: None Return: IDispatch* Remarks: Gets the Network Interface GetICache Params: None Return: IDispatch* Remarks: Gets the Cache Interface GetIPrefs Params: None Return: IDispatch* Remarks: Gets the Preferences Interface GetIShare Params: None Return: IDispatch* Remarks: Gets the Share Interface GetISearch Params: None Return: IDispatch* Remarks: Gets the Search Interface GetIMeta Params: None Return: IDispatch* Remarks: Gets the Meta Interface GetIDownload Params: None Return: IDispatch* Remarks: Gets the Download Interface GetIUpload Params: None Return: IDispatch* Remarks: Gets the Upload Interface GetIUpdate Params: None Return: IDispatch* Remarks: Gets the Update Interface GetCoreVersion Params: None Return: String Remarks: Gets Core Version, e.g. GetCoreCredits Params: None Return: String Array Remarks: Returns a list of people involved with core development GetCoreLicense Params: None Return: String Remarks: Returns LGPL License that GnucDNA is under ClientName Type: String Remarks: Set this to the name of the client accessing GnucDNA, this value will be transmitted to other clients on the network ClientVersion Type: String Remarks: Set this to the version of the client accessing GnucDNA, this value will be transmitted to other clients on the network ClientCode Type: String Remarks: Idealy a four character all uppercase identifier for your client to be transmitted to other clients on the network RunPath Type: String Remarks: This property contains the running path of the client, can be useful for obtaining locations of caches and settings Connect2 Params: Long (Network) Return: String Remarks: Starts connection process to network Disconnect2 Params: Long (Network) Return: None Remarks: Disconnects from network, does not affect transfers IsConnecting2 Params: Long (Network) Return: Bool Remarks: If currently connected or trying to connect to network GetUptime2 Params: Long (Network) Return: Date Remarks: Returns time that network has been runing for GetBytesPerSecDown Params: None Return: Long Remarks: Returns total bytes received in last second, averaged over the last minute GetBytesPerSecUp Params: None Return: Long Remarks: Returns total bytes sent in last second, averaged over the last minute |