Summary: All download management can be done from this interface. Use GetDownloadIDs to get a complete list, each download consists of a list of sources that are known to have the file. Multi-source downloading is supported and can be monitored by getting a list of chunks that the file is broken into. Download Properties: GetDownloadIDs GetName GetStatus GetBytesCompleted GetFileLength GetHash GetBytesPerSec GetSecETA GetSourceCount GetSourcePos GetActiveSourceCount IsCompleted IsSearching IsRetrying GetCoolingCount GetReasonClosed GetFilePath Download Methods: DownloadFile ForceStart Stop Remove RemoveCompleted RunFile ReSearch AddSource Proxy Download Sources: (Download object consists on one or more sources) GetSourceIDs GetSourceIP GetSourcePort GetSourceName GetSourceSpeed GetSourceStatusStr GetSourceVendor GetSourceHandshake GetSourceBytesPerSec Download Chunks: (Multi-source downloading) GetChunkIDs GetChunkStart GetChunkCompleted GetChunkSize GetChunkFamily Download Events: (_IDownloadEvent sink interface) OnUpdate GetDownloadIDs Params: None Return: None Remarks: Returns array of all downloads GetName Params: Long DownloadID Return: String Remarks: Returns name of download GetStatus Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long (Transfer State) Remarks: Returns state of download GetBytesCompleted Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns total bytes completed of download GetFileLength Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns total length of download GetHash Params: Long DownloadID, Long HashID (Hash Type) Return: String Remarks: Returns Hash of download file GetBytesPerSec Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns speed of download in bytes per sec, averaged over last minute GetSecETA Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns total seconds estimated for download completion GetSourceCount Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the number of sources that the download knows of for the file GetSourcePos Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the current position in the list of sources being tried for a connection GetActiveSourceCount Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the currect number of sources being transferred from IsCompleted Params: Long DownloadID Return: Bool Remarks: If the download is completed IsSearching Params: Long DownloadID Return: Bool Remarks: If the download is being re-searched for more hosts IsRetrying Params: Long DownloadID Return: Bool Remarks: If hosts in the source list are being retried GetCoolingCount Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns number of seconds before sources are retried GetReasonClosed Params: Long DownloadID Return: String Remarks: Returns a reason of why the download failed GetFilePath Params: Long DownloadID Return: String Remarks: Returns path on harddrive of file beging downloaded (path will point to partial file while downloading) DownloadFile Params: String FileName, Long FileSize, Long HashID (Hash Type), String Hash Return: Long Remarks: A direct download from network function, returns DownloadID ForceStart Params: Long DownloadID Return: None Remarks: Forces a download to start if it is pending or stopped Stop Params: Long DownloadID Return: String Remarks: Stops a download Remove Params: Long DownloadID Return: None Remarks: Removes the download, if incomplete partials are deleted RemoveCompleted Params: None Return: None Remarks: Removes completed downloads from the download list RunFile Params: Long DownloadID Return: None Remarks: Executes the complete download or partial file ReSearch Params: Long DownloadID Return: None Remarks: Re-queries the network for more hosts for download AddSource Params: Long DownloadID, Long (Network), String URL Return: None Remarks: Add source to download, even a web source Proxy Params: Long DownloadID, Bool Enabled, String Default Return: None Remarks: Use proxy to download file GetSourceIDs Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Array Remarks: Returns array of sources for the associated download GetSourceIP Params: Long DownloadID, Long SourceID Return: Unsigned Long Remarks: Returns IP of source in 4 bytes GetSourcePort Params: Long DownloadID, Long SourceID Return: Long Remarks: Returns listening port of source GetSourceName Params: Long DownloadID, Long SourceID Return: String Remarks: Returns the file name on the source GetSourceSpeed Params: Long DownloadID, Long SourceID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the speed of the source in kilobytes per second GetSourceStatusStr Params: Long DownloadID, Long SourceID Return: String Remarks: Returns a text status of the source GetSourceVendor Params: Long DownloadID, Long SourceID Return: String Remarks: Returns the client or 4 character identifier of the source GetSourceHandshake Params: Long DownloadID, Long SourceID Return: String Remarks: Returns the complete handshake between the client and the source GetSourceBytesPerSec Params: Long DownloadID, Long SourceID Return: Long Remarks: Returns current download speed from source in bytes per second GetChunkIDs Params: Long DownloadID Return: Long Array Remarks: Returns array of chunks that download is broken into GetChunkStart Params: Long DownloadID, Long ChunkID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the start position of the chunk GetChunkCompleted Params: Long DownloadID, Long ChunkID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the bytes completed of the chunk GetChunkSize Params: Long DownloadID, Long ChunkID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the total bytes in the chunk GetChunkFamily Params: Long DownloadID, Long ChunkID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the family the chunk is in (chunks that merge together successfully become part of the same family) OnUpdate Params: Long DownloadID Return: None Remarks: Signals new download, or a current download's state has changed |