Summary: Use this interface to control the nodes that your client connects to. To get a current listing use the GetNodeIDs method. Each node has full statistics and there are events to send raw packets straight to the client. Network Properties and Settings: GetLocalIP GetLocalPort GetLocalSpeed ClientMode2 GetNormalConnectedCount2 GetChildConnectedCount2 ForceUltrapeer2 Node Methods: ConnectNode2 RemoveNode GetNodeIDs GetChildNodeIDs GetNodeIP GetNodePort GetNodeMode GetNodeState GetNodeHandshake GetNodeAgent GetNodeConnectTime Node Statistic Methods: GetNodeBytesUp GetNodeBytesDown GetNodeBytesDropped GetNodePacketsPing GetNodePacketsPong GetNodePacketsQuery GetNodePacketsQueryHit GetNodePacketsPush GetNodePacketsTotal GetNodePacketsDown GetNodePacketsUp GetNodePacketsDropped Lan Node Methods: LanModeOn LanModeOff JoinLan GetLanNodeIDs GetLanNodeName GetLanNodeLeaves Network Events: (_INetworkEvent sink interface) OnChange OnPacketIncoming2 OnPacketOutgoing2 GetLocalIP Params: None Return: Unsigned Long Remarks: Returns current known external IP address in 4 bytes GetLocalPort Params: None Return: Long Remarks: Returns current listening port GetLocalSpeed Params: None Return: Long Remarks: Returns fastest bytes received speed in kilobits per second ClientMode2 Params: Long (Network) Return: Long (Node Mode) Remarks: Returns state of client (supernode, etc..) for the particular network GetNormalConnectedCount2 Params: Long (Network) Return: Long Remarks: Returns number of connections, excluding children GetChildConnectedCount2 Params: Long (Network) Return: Long Remarks: Returns number of child connections ForceUltrapeer2 Params: Bool, Long (Network) Return: None Remarks: Forces the client to go into supernode mode ConnectNode2 Params: String Host, Long Port, Long (Network) Return: None Remarks: Attempt connection to node on specified network RemoveNode Params: Long NodeID Return: None Remarks: Disconnect from node GetNodeIDs Params: None Return: Long Array Remarks: Array of all nodes that GnucDNA is involved with GetChildNodeIDs Params: None Return: Long Array Remarks: Array of all child(leaf) nodes that GnucDNA is involved with GetNodeIP Params: Long NodeID Return: Unsigned Long Remarks: Returns Nodes IP in 4 bytes GetNodePort Params: Long NodeID Return: Long Remarks: Returns port of node, might be 0 if node an incoming connection GetNodeMode Params: Long NodeID Return: Long (Node Mode) Remarks: Return mode of node connected, Child, Ultrapeer or Neither GetNodeState Params: Long NodeID Return: Long (Socket State) Remarks: Return the socket state of the node GetNodeHandshake Params: Long NodeID Return: String Remarks: Returns full handshake between client and node GetNodeAgent Params: Long NodeID Return: String Remarks: Returns User-Agent/Client Name of the remote node GetNodeConnectTime Params: Long NodeID Return: Date Remarks: Return the time the node was connected to GetNodeBytesUp Params: Long NodeID Return: Long Remarks: Returns total bytes sent in last second GetNodeBytesDown Params: Long NodeID Return: Long Remarks: Returns total bytes received in last second GetNodeBytesDropped Params: Long NodeID Return: Long Remarks: Returns total bytes dropped in last second GetNodePacketsPing Params: Long NodeID, Long* Good, Long* Total Return: None Remarks: Sets Good and Total to the number of respecive ping packets in the last second from node GetNodePacketsPong Params: Long NodeID, Long* Good, Long* Total Return: None Remarks: Sets Good and Total to the number of respecive pong packets in the last second GetNodePacketsQuery Params: Long NodeID, Long* Good, Long* Total Return: None Remarks: Sets Good and Total to the number of respecive query packets in the last second GetNodePacketsQueryHit Params: Long NodeID, Long* Good, Long* Total Return: None Remarks: Sets Good and Total to the number of respecive query hit packets in the last second from node GetNodePacketsPush Params: Long NodeID, Long* Good, Long* Total Return: None Remarks: Sets Good and Total to the number of respecive push packets in the last second GetNodePacketsTotal Params: Long NodeID, Long* Good, Long* Total Return: None Remarks: Sets Good and Total to the number of respecive packets in the last second GetNodePacketsDown Params: Long NodeID Return: Double Remarks: Returns packets received per second, averaged over last minute GetNodePacketsUp Params: Long NodeID Return: Double Remarks: Returns packets sent per second, averaged over last minute GetNodePacketsDropped Params: Long NodeID Return: Double Remarks: Returns packets dropped per second, averaged over last minute LanModeOn Params: None Return: None Remarks: Sets core into LAN mode, sends UDP broadcast for other LAN nodes. Use GetLanNodeIDs periodically to scan for results. All node and web caches are emptied when this is called. LanModeOff Params: None Return: None Remarks: Turns LAN mode off and empties all node and web caches. JoinLan Params: String LanName Return: None Remarks: This will start the connection process to nodes on the network with the same LAN name. Use GetLanName() to find available LANs on the network. Entering a new name creates a new network. GetLanNodeIDs Params: None Return: Long Array Remarks: Returns array of Nodes found on the LAN GetLanNodeName Params: Long LanNodeID Return: String Remarks: Returns the name of the LAN network the node is on GetLanNodeLeaves Params: Long LanNodeID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the number of leaves this LAN node has, if any OnChange Params: Long NodeID Return: None Remarks: Singnals change of Node state OnPacketIncoming2 Params: Long (Network), Bool TCP, Unsigned Long IP, Long Port, Byte Array packet, Long size, Bool Local, Long (Packet Error) Return: None Remarks: Raw incoming packet from node connection, if its a bad packet there is an Error code associated, local if meant for localhost OnPacketOutgoing2 Params: Long (Network), Bool TCP, Unsigned Long IP, Long Port, Byte Array packet, Long size, Bool Local Return: LNone Remarks: Raw outgoing packet to a node connection, local if created by localhost |