Summary: All settings used by GnucDNA are centered in this interface, there are helper methods to save and load them from a file, though any storage method can be used. External Preferences: LoadConfig SaveConfig Client Preferences: ForcedHost ForcedPort SpeedStat Update GetClientID SetClientID Network Preferences: SuperNodeAble MaxLeaves LeafModeConnects MinConnects MaxConnects BehindFirewall LanMode LanName GetHostServers SetHostServers GetScreenedNodes SetScreenedNodes Search Preferences: DoubleCheck ScreenNodes GetScreenedWords SetScreenedWords Block Preferences: LoadBlocked SaveBlocked GetBlockList SetBlockList Share Preferences: ReplyFilePath MaxReplies SendOnlyAvail Transfer Preferences: DownloadPath PartialsDir MaxDownloads MaxUploads Multisource BandwidthUp BandwidthDown MinDownSpeed MinUpSpeed Proxy Preferences: LoadProxies SaveProxies GetProxyList SetProxyList AntiVirus Preferences: GetAntivirusEnabled SetAntivirusEnabled GetAntivirusPath SetAntivirusPath LoadConfig Params: String FilePath Return: None Remarks: Load Preferences from external file SaveConfig Params: String FilePath Return: None Remarks: Save Preferences to external file ForcedHost Type: Unsigned Long Default: 0 Remarks: Zero if host auto-detected, otherwise set to 4 byte IP ForcedPort Type: Long Default: 0 Remarks: Zero if port random, otherwise set to listening port SpeedStat Type: Long Default: 0 Remarks: Zero if speed auto-detected, otherwise set to speed in kilobits per second Update Type: Long (Update Mode) Default: Release Remarks: Current update check mode, on release, beta or never, update checked every hour GetClientID Params: None Return: Byte Array Remarks: Returns 16 ClientID, used in network communication SetClientID Params: Byte Array* Return: None Remarks: Sets ClientID to byte array parameter SuperNodeAble Type: Bool Default: True Remarks: If node is able to become SuperNode MaxLeaves Type: Long Default: 400 Remarks: Maximum leaf connections in ultrapeer mode LeafModeConnects Type: Long Default: 3 Remarks: Number of connections to keep to Ultrapeers when client is in leaf mode MinConnects Type: Long Default: 4 Remarks: Minimum connections to keep to other normal hosts in ultapeer mode MaxConnects Type: Long Default: 6 Remarks: Maximum connections to keep to other normal hosts in ultapeer mode BehindFirewall Type: Bool Default: False Remarks: Set to force client to act like it is behind a firewall LanMode Type: Bool Default: False Remarks: Set if client in LAN mode LanName Type: String Remarks: Name of LAN network client should connect to GetHostServers Params: None Return: String Array Remarks: Returns list of static host servers in Host:Port format SetHostServers Params: String Array* Return: None Remarks: Sets list of host servers in Host:Port format GetScreenedNodes Params: None Return: String Array Remarks: Returns list of node ranges and connect permissions, eg 192.168.*.*:Deny and SetScreenedNodes Params: String Array* Return: None Remarks: Sets list of nodes and connect permissions DoubleCheck Type: Bool Default: True Remarks: Set to double-check search keywords with search result ScreenNodes Type: Bool Default: False Remarks: Set to filter results that match nodes in the 'screened nodes' list GetScreenedWords Params: None Return: String Array Remarks: Returns list of words that search results will be filtered by SetScreenedWords Params: String Array* Return: None Remarks: Sets list of words that search results will be filtered by LoadBlocked Params: String FilePath Return: None Remarks: Loads list of filtered hosts from search results in IP:Reason: format seperated by breaklines SaveBlocked Params: String FilePath Return: None Remarks: Saves list of filtered hosts from search results GetBlockList Params: None Return: String Array Remarks: Returns list of filtered hosts from search results in IP:Reason: format SetBlockList Params: String Array* Return: None Remarks: Saves list of filtered hosts from search results ReplyFilePath Type: Bool Default: False Remarks: Reply to queries with path to file from root of where it was shared from MaxReplies Type: Long Default: 64 Remarks: Maximum results sent in result to query, zero for unlimited results SendOnlyAvail Type: Bool Default: False Remarks: Only send results when upload slots available DownloadPath Type: String Default: RunPath\Downloads Remarks: Directory path to save downloaded files to PartialsDir Type: String Default: RunPath\Partials Remarks: Directory path to save partial files to MaxDownloads Type: Long Default: 5 Remarks: Max concurrent downloads to local host MaxUploads Type: Long Default: 10 Remarks: Max concurrent uploads from local host Multisource Type: Bool Default: True Remarks: Enables downloading simultaneously from multiple hosts BandwidthUp Type: Float Default: 0 Remarks: Upload bandwidth cap, in kilobytes per second, zero ulimited BandwidthDown Type: Float Default: 0 Remarks: Download bandwidth cap, in kilobytes per second, zero ulimited MinDownSpeed Type: Float Default: 0 Remarks: Minimum download speed to avoid disconnection, in kilobytes per second MinUpSpeed Type: Float Default: 0 Remarks: Minimum upload speed to avoid disconnection, in kilobytes per second LoadProxies Params: String FilePath Return: None Remarks: Loads proxy hosts from file SaveProxies Params: String FilePath Return: None Remarks: Saves proxy hosts to file GetProxyList Type: String Array Default: None Remarks: Array of proxy hosts SetProxyList Type: String Array Default: None Remarks: Sets proxy hosts GetAntivirusEnabled Type: String Default: None Remarks: Gets if downloads are checked with antivirus software SetAntivirusEnabled Type: String Default: None Remarks: Set to check downloads with antivirus software GetAntivirusPath Type: String Default: None Remarks: Path of antivirus software application SetAntivirusPath Type: String Default: None Remarks: Sets path to antivirus software application |