Summary: Use SetSharedDirs method to set what directories to share, and GetFileIDs to display what files are loaded and their associated properties. Files are automatically hashed over time. Make sure to load any meta-data schemas before loading the shared files, if you want meta-data attributes. Shared Directory Methods: SetSharedDirs GetSharedDirIDs GetDirName GetDirRecursive GetFileIDs Status Methods: IsLoading GetFileCount GetTotalFileSize File Methods: GetFileIDs GetFileIndex GetFileDir GetFileName GetFileSize GetFileHash GetFileMatches GetFileUploads GetFileKeywords GetFileAltLocs StopSharingFile File Meta Methods: GetFileMetaID GetFileAttributeValue SetFileAttributeValue File Hashing Methods: StartHashing StopHashing GetHashSpeed SetHashSpeed IsEverythingHashed IsHashingStopped Share Events: (_IShareEvent sink interface) OnUpdate OnReload SetSharedDirs Params: String Arrary* DirPaths Return: None Remarks: Sets list of directories to share GetSharedDirIDs Params: None Return: Long Array Remarks: Returns list of shared directory IDs GetDirName Params: Long DirID Return: String Remarks: Returns path of directory GetDirRecursive Params: Long DirID Return: Bool Remarks: If directory is shared recursively (sub-directories) GetDirFileCount Params: Long DirID Return: Long Remarks: Returns number of files in directory IsLoading Params: None Return: Bool Remarks: If files are still being loaded from directories GetFileCount Params: None Return: Long Remarks: Current count of files loaded GetTotalFileSize Params: None Return: Long Remarks: Currrent total size of files loaded, in kilobytes GetFileIDs Params: None Return: Long Array Remarks: Returns currently shared files GetFileIndex Params: Long FileID Return: Long Remarks: Returns index of file to client GetFileDir Params: Long FileID Return: String Remarks: Returns full path of file GetFileName Params: Long FileID Return: String Remarks: Returns name of file GetFileSize Params: Long FileID Return: Long Remarks: Returns size of file in bytes GetFileHash Params: Long FileID, Long HashID (Hash Type) Return: String Remarks: Returns file's Hash value GetFileMatches Params: Long FileID Return: Long Remarks: Returns match count of file with passing queries GetFileUploads Params: Long FileID Return: Long Remarks: Returns upload attempt count of file GetFileKeywords Params: Long FileID Return: String Remarks: Returns keywords file name was broken into, Keyword:KeywordHash format GetFileAltLocs Params: Long FileID Return: String Array Remarks: Returns alternate location URLs of file StopSharingFile Params: Long FileID Return: None Remarks: Stops sharing file over network, resets if directories reloaded GetFileMetaID Params: Long FileID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the MetaID associated with this file, zero if none GetFileAttributeValue Params: Long FileID, Long AttributeID Return: String Remarks: Returns attribute value for AttributeID, see IMeta interface for get AttributeID list SetFileAttributeValue Params: Long FileID, Long AttributeID, String Value Return: None Remarks: Sets meta attribute of file to value StartHashing Params: None Return: None Remarks: Hashing automatically started on file load, use this after stopping hash StopHashing Params: None Return: None Remarks: Stop hashing files GetHashSpeed Params: None Return: Long Remarks: Returns hash speed in % of CPU usage allocated to hashing, values 0-100 SetHashSpeed Params: Long Return: None Remarks: Allocate % of CPU to hashing, 1-100, default is 10 IsEverythingHashed Params: None Return: Bool Remarks: If all files have been hashed IsHashingStopped Params: None Return: Bool Remarks: If hashing is currently stopped OnUpdate Params: Long FileID Return: None Remarks: Hashing of this file is complete, or a property has been changed such as upload or match count OnReload Params: None Return: None Remarks: Fired when files are reloading, invalidating all current FileIDs |