Summary: All upload management is done by this interface, use GetUploadIDs to get a list of all current uploads. Upload Properties: GetUploadIDs GetName GetStatus GetQueuePos GetErrorStr GetChangeTime GetBytesCompleted GetFileLength GetSecETD GetBytesPerSec GetFilePath Upload Methods: RunFile Remove Upload Host Properties: GetIP GetPort GetIndex GetHandshake GetAttempts Upload Events: (_IUploadEvent sink interface) OnUpdate GetUploadIDs Params: None Return: Long Array Remarks: Returns array of all uploads GetName Params: Long UploadID Return: String Remarks: Returns name of upload GetStatus Params: Long UploadID Return: Long (Transfer State) Remarks: Returns state of upload GetQueuePos Params: Long UploadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns position upload has in local queue GetErrorStr Params: Long UploadID Return: String Remarks: Returns text error of the upload GetChangeTime Params: Long UploadID Return: Date Remarks: Returns the time the download was last active GetBytesCompleted Params: Long UploadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the bytes completed of the upload GetFileLength Params: Long UploadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns length of the upload file GetSecETD Params: Long UploadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns estimated time of delivary of upload in seconds GetBytesPerSec Params: Long UploadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns speed of upload in bytes per second, averaged over last minute GetFilePath Params: Long UploadID Return: String Remarks: Returns path on local harddrive of file being uploaded RunFile Params: Long UploadID Return: None Remarks: Executes file Remove Params: Long UploadID Return: None Remarks: Cancels upload and removes it from the list GetIP Params: Long UploadID Return: Unsigned Long Remarks: Returns IP of uploading host in 4 bytes GetPort Params: Long UploadID Return: Long Remarks:Returns listening port of uploading host GetIndex Params: Long UploadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns local index of the file being uploaded GetHandshake Params: Long UploadID Return: String Remarks: Returns completed handshake between client and hsot GetAttempts Params: Long UploadID Return: Long Remarks: Returns the total number of attempts this host has made for the file OnUpdate Params: Long UploadID Return: None Remarks: Signals new upload, or state or an upload has changed |