Quick Start First download GnucDNA from the previous page, installing it will put GnucDNA into your windows/system folder and register the component with windows (regsrv32). GnucDNA is dispatch based, also know as an automation object. The only class that can be instantiated directly is GnucDNA.Core. To get a handle to GnucDNA.Core many development enviroments have quick methods for adding typelib references to the project. GnucDNA.Core is the gateway to the rest of GnucDNA's interfaces
such as, INetwork, IShare, ISearch, IDownload, IUpload, etc... You can use
methods from the Core like GetINetwork(), GetISearch(), etc.. to get handles to
these interfaces. Example Loading GnucDNA Create GnucDNA.Core object Set my Application Identifier
Check version of GnucDNA is equal to or greater than what we
require Load XML Schemas, for Meta-Data support Load Cache of Nodes Add update servers and check for update Connect to Network The GnucDNA reference includes complete descriptions and definitions of all the Interfaces and Methods provided by GnucDNA. |