
People who give their time to make this project great.

John Marshall - Gnucleus Author, from New Hampshire in the USA
Jacques Exelrud - Created self saving statuses in the transfer window
Thomas Hille - Working on the Plug-In System
Darren - New Icon look-up system
DA - Fixed some bugs in the transfer window
Sascha Nitsch - Fixed a couple memory leaks
Jerry Smith - Working on an internal web server
Andrey Klinger - New search code and fixes to file lists
Nigel Heath - HUGE and alternate-location support
Herve Le Breton - Oasis developer, plans to do some Gnucleus engine work
Sven - Fixed refreshing of all the views in Gnucleus during resize
Albert van Peppen - Multi-processor support
Niderost B.U. - Revised CVS update instructions
Arun V - Working on a version of gnucleus for U2 fans and had the cool idea of simplifying the connect screen
Tor Klingberg - Partial File Sharing and Remote File Queuing, huge contribution to the project
beta days, pre 1.0
Mark Dennehy - My C++ / MFC mentor in my first month of creating this project
Aaron Putnam - Opened my eyes to the wonderful world of STL
Scott Kirkwood - Lots of quality work, new list box classes and drive space info
Nathan Brown - Protocol and grunt work in the beginning
Justin Marrese - Hashing, hash, hash, hash

Hauke Dämpfling - Wrote the first GWebCache script in PHP, helped design the system
Robert Rainwater - Working on improving the GWebCache script
Nick Randall - Created an ASP version of GWebCache
Guo "Paradog" Xu - Created another ASP version of GWebCache
Mike Green - Created a GWebCache for ColdFusion

Graphics / Web
Gus - Created the cool new XP compatible icons
Bernard Lee - Made the big logo over at SourceForge
Derrich Hafemann - Did some graphics on this page and in Gnucleus
Jared Tomlin - Web design support
Roger Ryder - Working on getting some Gnucleus T-Shirts out!
Shawn R. - Created the current gnucleus logo with the molecule looking effect
Eduardo Silva - Created some really nice, big, Gnucleus images like the '1.8 Welcome to the Party'